The Axe Flinger Zombie is a minor minion monster in the Arcadia Quest Beyond the Grave expansion. This army of zombies are both frightening and a challenge to the heroes of Arcadia Quest. Painting this army was a combination of base painting, followed by a wash. Then, I dry brushed some sections and added a little bit of highlighting.

I finished them off with some Blood For The Blood God technical paint. This is used after the varnish has been applied and is a high gloss and looks like blood on the axe.

Paint List

  • Base
    • Abbadon Black
    • Xereus Purple
    • Mourning Brown
    • Leadbelcher
    • Ushbati Bone
  • Wash
    • Nuln Oil
    • Agrax Earthshade
    • Druchii Violet
  • Dry Brushing
    • Corax White
    • Fulgrim Pink
  • Highlighting
    • Blood From The Blood God
    • Phalanx Yellow

All of the above are Citadel paints

Other Arcadia Quest Miniatures

Here are some other painted minis from Arcadia Quest!

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